Whose Monkeys are Those? Not Mine! Weekly Reading, Energy, Potentials & Guidance for May 24-31
May 24, 2024
Whose Monkeys are Those? Not Mine! Weekly Reading, Energy, Potentials & Guidance for May 24-31
⚓️This week, focus being anchored into the most emotionally evolved version of yourself and allow your intuition to give you the nudges you need. Resist the urge to get swept up into any drama that comes calling.
🐒Choose wisely which “situations” you involve yourself in this week. There’s a chance conflict may arise as a part of the energy of change. Ask yourself, “Is this my circus?”, “Are those my monkeys?” Act accordingly.
🔦Potential new opportunity or new chapter decisions are a play right now. There could be a bumpy beginning but focus on the opportunities themselves; there is more information and inspiration available here if you’re looking for it.
💎In the bigger picture energy of this week’s situations, you do have the potential for great things in the long run from seeds and changes taking place right now. Think “diamonds in the rough”
HEADS UP! 🧹🪣There is a strong encouragement to get your house in order and come into balance. Whether it’s tasks you’ve been putting off or energy you’ve been wasting, big shifts and big energy are on the horizon so it would be wise to get prepared. What can you get in order or put in place now to set yourself up for success before this next wave of fast moving energy flows in??
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